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Creating NumPy Arrays

6 minute read


NumPy arrays are a core part of the numerical computing stack in Python. NumPy provides a large number of functions for creating these arrays, of which np.array is most well known (due to ubiquitous use in tutorials). However, np.array is not always the right function to use. This post will explore some other common array creation functions.


Implementing Callbacks in TensorFlow 2

8 minute read


Often when training neural networks, we will want to monitor the training process, record metrics, or make changes to the training process. In TensorFlow 2, callbacks can used to call utilities at certain points during training of a neural network. In this post, I’ll describe some of the common use cases of callbacks, show how to implement some of the standard callbacks with the built-in classes, and show how to write custom callbacks to make changes to the training process.


Implementing Callbacks in TensorFlow 2

8 minute read


Often when training neural networks, we will want to monitor the training process, record metrics, or make changes to the training process. In TensorFlow 2, callbacks can used to call utilities at certain points during training of a neural network. In this post, I’ll describe some of the common use cases of callbacks, show how to implement some of the standard callbacks with the built-in classes, and show how to write custom callbacks to make changes to the training process.


Creating NumPy Arrays

6 minute read


NumPy arrays are a core part of the numerical computing stack in Python. NumPy provides a large number of functions for creating these arrays, of which np.array is most well known (due to ubiquitous use in tutorials). However, np.array is not always the right function to use. This post will explore some other common array creation functions.


Creating NumPy Arrays

6 minute read


NumPy arrays are a core part of the numerical computing stack in Python. NumPy provides a large number of functions for creating these arrays, of which np.array is most well known (due to ubiquitous use in tutorials). However, np.array is not always the right function to use. This post will explore some other common array creation functions.

Working with Polynomials in Numpy

6 minute read


Polynomials are an important mathematical building block used in many science and engineering fields. In python, NumPy can be used to perform operations on polynomials.


Working with Polynomials in Numpy

6 minute read


Polynomials are an important mathematical building block used in many science and engineering fields. In python, NumPy can be used to perform operations on polynomials.


Implementing Callbacks in TensorFlow 2

8 minute read


Often when training neural networks, we will want to monitor the training process, record metrics, or make changes to the training process. In TensorFlow 2, callbacks can used to call utilities at certain points during training of a neural network. In this post, I’ll describe some of the common use cases of callbacks, show how to implement some of the standard callbacks with the built-in classes, and show how to write custom callbacks to make changes to the training process.

Creating NumPy Arrays

6 minute read


NumPy arrays are a core part of the numerical computing stack in Python. NumPy provides a large number of functions for creating these arrays, of which np.array is most well known (due to ubiquitous use in tutorials). However, np.array is not always the right function to use. This post will explore some other common array creation functions.

Using Type Hints in Python

3 minute read


Type hints are annotations in python that indicate the type(s) that are expected as input or return.

Working with Polynomials in Numpy

6 minute read


Polynomials are an important mathematical building block used in many science and engineering fields. In python, NumPy can be used to perform operations on polynomials.


Implementing Callbacks in TensorFlow 2

8 minute read


Often when training neural networks, we will want to monitor the training process, record metrics, or make changes to the training process. In TensorFlow 2, callbacks can used to call utilities at certain points during training of a neural network. In this post, I’ll describe some of the common use cases of callbacks, show how to implement some of the standard callbacks with the built-in classes, and show how to write custom callbacks to make changes to the training process.


Using Type Hints in Python

3 minute read


Type hints are annotations in python that indicate the type(s) that are expected as input or return.


Using Type Hints in Python

3 minute read


Type hints are annotations in python that indicate the type(s) that are expected as input or return.