
This folder contains the data used for the analysis.

Data Files



There are three types of variables in this data set: factor, continuous, and stationary. The types of variables are listed below.

Factor Variables

  • Attrition (response variable)
  • BusinessTravel
  • Department
  • Education
  • EducationField
  • EmployeeNumber
  • EnvironmentSatisfaction
  • Gender
  • JobInvolvement
  • JobLevel
  • JobRole
  • JobSatisfaction
  • MaritalStatus
  • Overtime
  • PerformanceRating
  • RelationshipSatisfaction
  • StockOptionLevel
  • WorkLifeBalance

Continuous Variables

  • DailyRate
  • DistanceFromHome
  • Age
  • HourlyRate
  • MonthlyIncome (response variable)
  • MonthlyRate
  • NumCompaniesWorked
  • PercentSalaryHike
  • TotalWorkingYears
  • TrainingTimesLastYear
  • YearsAtCompany
  • YearsInCurrentRole
  • YearsSinceLastPromotion
  • YearsWithCurrManager

Stationary Variables (Single Valued)

  • EmployeeCount
  • Over18
  • StandardHours


ID: Row ID (integer)

Age: Employee age (integer)

Attrition: If employee left company; response variable (factor)

BusinessTravel: Frequeny of travel associated with employee’s job (factor)

  • Travel_Rarely
  • Travel_Frequently
  • Non-Travel

DailyRate: Unknown numeric value (integer)

Department: Department where employee works (factor)

DistanceFromHome: Some measurement of distance employee commutes from home (integer)

Education: Unknown measurement of education, likely a level (factor)

  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

EducationField: Field of education (factor)

  • Life Sciences
  • Medical
  • Marketing
  • Technical Degree
  • Other
  • Human Resources

EmployeeCount: Number of employees in observation; always 1 (integer)

EmployeeNumber: Employee ID number (factor)

EnvironmentSatisfaction: Employee’s satisfaction with environment (factor)

  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Gender: Employee gender (factor)

  • Male
  • Female

HourlyRate: Unknown numeric value (integer)

JobInvolvement: Measurement of employee job involvement (factor)

  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

JobLevel: Seniority of employee’s position (factor)

  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

JobRole: Role of position (factor)

  • Sales Executive
  • Research Director
  • Manufacturing Director
  • Research Scientist
  • Sales Representative
  • Healthcare Representative
  • Manager
  • Human Resources
  • Laboratory Technician

JobSatisfaction: Measurement of job satisfaction (factor)

  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

MaritalStatus: Employee marital status (factor)

  • Divorced
  • Single
  • Married

MonthlyIncome: Employee’s monthly income (integer)

MonthlyRate: Unknown numeric value (integer)

NumCompaniesWorked: Number of companies employee previously worked for (integer)

Over18: If employee is over 18; always ‘Yes’

OverTime: Indicator of whether employee works overtime (factor)

  • No
  • Yes

PercentSalaryHike: Percent increase in salary (integer)

PerformanceRating: Measurement of employee performance (factor)

  • 3
  • 4

RelationshipSatisfaction: Measurement of employee relationship satisfaction (factor)

  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

StandardHours: Standard working hours; always 80

StockOptionLevel: Level of stock options granted to employees (factor)

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 0

TotalWorkingYears: Employee’s number of working years (integer)

TrainingTimesLastYear: Measurement of employee’s training times in the previous year (integer)

WorkLifeBalance: Measurement of employee’s work-life balance (factor)

  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

YearsAtCompany: Years of experience at this company (integer)

YearsInCurrentRole: Year of experience in current role (integer)

YearsSinceLastPromotion: Number of years since last promotion (integer)

YearsWithCurrManager: Number of years working for current manager (integer)