Notation and terms used in time series analysis.
Series Characteristics
- $X_t$ - the response variable.
- $x_t$ - the value of $X_t$ at a particular time $t$.
- $a_t$ - the series white noise.
- $\mu_t$ - the mean of all possible realizations of $X_t$ for a given $t$.
- $\sigma_t$ - the varaince of all possible realizations of $X_t$ for a given $t$.
- $\sigma_a$ - the white noise varaince of all possible realizations of $X_t$ for a given $t$.
- $\gamma_k$ - the autocovariance of $X_t$ for lag of $k$.
- $\rho_k$ - the autocorrelation of $X_t$ for lag of $k$.
- $S_x(f)$ - series spectral desnsity.
Periodic Signals
- $A$ - amplitude of the periodic signal.
- $f$ - frequency of a signal periodic signal.
- $\omega$ - angular frequency of a periodic signal.
- $\phi$ - phase shift of a periodic signal.
X_t = A cos \left( 2 \pi ft + \phi \right)
- $H \left( B \right)$ - transfer function
ARIMA Modeling
- $\phi \left( B \right)$ - autoregressive polynomial.
- $\phi \left( B \right)$ - moving average polynomial.
- $\psi_k$ - coefficients of model in GLP form.
X_t = \frac{\theta \left( B \right)}{\phi \left( B \right)} a_t
- $l$ - a forecast step.
- $t_0$ - the forecast horizon.
- $\hat{X}_{t_0} \left( l \right)$ - the forecast of $X_t$ from $t_0$ at step $l$.
- $e_{t_0} \left( l \right)$ - the forecast error; the error between $\hat{X}_{t_0} \left( l \right)$ and $X_{t_0 + l}$.
- Alaising: A signal above the Niquist frequency that appears as a low frequency signal.
- Autocovariance: covariance between the a series and $k$ lags of itself.
- Autocorrelation: The autocovariance normalized by the 0th order lag autocovariance ($\gamma_0$).
- Ensemble: The totality of all possible realizations of a time series.
- Forecast: The extrapolation of a model from a given time horizon and steps from the horizon.
- Frequency: The number of cycles per unit time.
- Lag effect: the value of a variable at a previous time is correlated with the repsonse at the current time.
- Niquist frequency: The highest observable frequency of a signal, which is half of the samlping frequency - $\frac{f_{sample}}{2}$
- Period: The amout of time for one cycle to complete.
- Poles: The roots of the autoregressive portion ($\phi \left( B \right)$) of an ARIMA model.
- Psuedo-periodic Series having a similar shape that repeats in a consistent cycle.
- Realization: The observed time series. The may be many or only one.
- Spectral Density: The frequency components (in the frequency domain) that exist in a time series; the frequency transfrom of a time series.
- Sample Spectral Density: An estimate of the Spectral Density based on periodically sampled data.
- Transfer Function: A ratio of polynomials that transforms a series i.e. $X_t$ -> $Z_t$.
- Zeros: The roots of the moving average portion ($\theta \left( B \right)$) of an ARIMA model.
- [1] B. Salder, "Stationary", SMU, 2019
- [2] B. Salder, "Frequency Domain", SMU, 2019