# load libraries


Economic recessions are periods of time when an economy shinks. These periods of time generally costly to businesses and the populace alike. Deep recessions can be particularly costly to the populace as business downsizing and business failures during recessions generally result in a decrease in available jobs (increasing unemployment). However, if it was possible to predict a coming recession with some confidence, then it may be possible for business and the populace to prepare and mitigate losses.

We propose to model the change in GDP for the United States to attempt to predict recessions. A working definition of a recession is two consecutive quarters of decrease in GDP [1]. Thus, we will use a 2-step ahead forecast in evaluating models. 50 quarters of historical data will be used for training models to predict the next 2 quarters.


All data was collected from Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) Repository, which is provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis. In addition to quarterly change in GDP, 18 exogenous variables were also collected. The data from 151 quarters (from 1982 Q1 to 2019 Q3) were collected. The data starts at 1982 Q1 because that was the earliest observation available for treas10yr3mo.

The exogenous variables are summerized in the table below.

Variable Description FRED ID
Date Date of observation N/A
gdp_change Change in GDP from the previous observation A191RP1Q027SBEA
unrate Unemployment rate UNRATE
nfjobs Non-farming jobs PAYEMS
treas10yr 10 Year US treasury constant maturity rate DGS10
fedintrate US federal interest rate FEDFUNDS
personincomechg Change in real disposable personal income A067RO1Q156NBEA
cpichg Change in Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers: all ttems in U.S. city average CPIAUCNS
popchg Change in Population POPTHM
corpprofitchg Change in Corporate profits after tax (converted to percent change) CP
crude_wtichg Change in Spot Crude Oil Price: West Texas Intermediate WTISPLC
goldchg Change in Gold Fixing Price 10:30 A.M. (London time) in london bullion market, based in U.S. Dollars GOLDAMGBD228NLBM
ppichg Change in Producer price index PPIACO
japanchg Change in US/Japan exchange rate EXJPUS
ukchg Change in US/UK exchange rate EXUSUK
wilshirechg Change in Wilshire 5000 Total Market Full Cap Index WILL5000INDFC
ipichg Change in Industrial Production Index INDPRO
inventorieschg Change in Real Manufacturing and Trade Inventories INVCMRMTSPL
homeownership Cahnge in Homeownership Rate for the United States RHORUSQ156N
housingpermitschg Change in New Private Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits PERMIT
treas10yr3mo 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 3-Month Treasury Constant Maturity T10Y3M
# read data set
data <- read.csv("../data/economic_indicators_all_ex_3mo_china_inc_treas3mo.csv")
data %>%  glimpse()
## Observations: 151
## Variables: 22
## $ date              <fct> 1982 Q1, 1982 Q2, 1982 Q3, 1982 Q4, 1983 Q1,...
## $ gdp_change        <dbl> -0.8, 7.2, 4.2, 4.4, 8.6, 12.7, 12.9, 11.9, ...
## $ unrate            <dbl> 9.0, 9.6, 10.1, 10.8, 10.3, 10.1, 9.2, 8.3, ...
## $ nfjobschg         <dbl> -0.5071786, -0.6291881, -0.7589162, -0.46197...
## $ treas10yr         <dbl> 14.18, 14.44, 11.73, 10.36, 10.62, 10.96, 11...
## $ treas3mo          <dbl> 13.99, 13.36, 7.88, 8.20, 8.96, 9.15, 9.04, ...
## $ treas10yr3mo      <dbl> 0.19, 1.08, 3.85, 2.16, 1.66, 1.81, 2.40, 2....
## $ fedintrate        <dbl> 14.68, 14.15, 10.31, 8.95, 8.77, 8.98, 9.45,...
## $ personincomechg   <dbl> 2.6, 3.1, 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 2.5, 3.5, 5.5, 6.6,...
## $ cpichg            <dbl> 0.5319149, 2.6455026, 0.9278351, -0.3064351,...
## $ popchg            <dbl> 0.2098904, 0.2297481, 0.2662760, 0.2290424, ...
## $ housingpermitschg <dbl> 11.9346734, 2.4691358, 14.1292442, 29.654510...
## $ homeownership     <dbl> 64.8, 64.9, 64.9, 64.5, 64.7, 64.7, 64.8, 64...
## $ corpprofitchg     <dbl> -9.8822616, 1.0334227, -2.5010250, -3.405117...
## $ inventorieschg    <dbl> -1.3318626, -0.2449114, -0.1071666, -1.63672...
## $ crude_wtichg      <dbl> -18.6285714, 23.1390449, 1.5968064, -10.9738...
## $ ppichg            <dbl> 0.80971660, 0.40160643, 0.00000000, 0.500000...
## $ ipichg            <dbl> -0.81243157, -1.84873818, -1.48731619, -1.99...
## $ wilshirechg       <dbl> -9.0163934, -1.3513514, 11.4155251, 18.85245...
## $ goldchg           <dbl> -19.8750000, -2.0280811, 25.7165605, 13.4895...
## $ japanchg          <dbl> 10.1727985, 4.1327655, 4.8121460, -8.1069348...
## $ ukchg             <dbl> -5.1489518, -2.7142303, -2.5223481, -5.60747...
# Remove the date column
data = data %>% dplyr::select(-date)
# global settings
var_interest = 'gdp_change'
batch_size = 50
n.ahead = 2
# split data into a train and test set
data_train = data %>% dplyr::slice(1:(dplyr::n()-n.ahead))
data_test = data %>% dplyr::slice((dplyr::n()-n.ahead), dplyr::n())

Response Variable

The response variable is change in GDP, denoted as gdp_change. The realization, sample autocorrelations, and Parzen window are shown below. The realization appears to express wandering behavior with some oscillation. Based on the sample aucorrelations, wandering appears to be the dominate behavior. The oscillations do not appear to be expressed strongly in the sample autocorrelations. This is consisent with the Parzen window, which shows a dominate frequency at 0. The other frequencies shown in the parzen window have very low magnitudes.



We start the analysis with an assessment of startionarity of the realization.

## [1] TRUE

Condition 1: Constant Mean

  • There does not appear to be evidence of a trend in the data.
  • Additionaly there does not appear to be any kind of deterministic oscillation in the data

Therefore, the assumption of constant mean does not appear to be violated.

Condition 2: Constant Variance

  • There does not apprear to be evidence of the variance of the realization changing over time.
  • the drastic change at time step 75 maybe uncharacterisic of the process generating this realization, but it is difficult to determine with only one realization. This could be normal wandering behavior of the process generating this realization.

Therefore, the assumption of constant variance does not appear to be violated.

Condition 3: Constant Autocorrelation

The ACF of the first and second half of the realization appear to exhibit similar behavior. However, the autocorrelations have very low magnitudes - most of the autocorrelations do not appear to be significantly different than 0.

Therefore, the assumption of constant autocorrelation does not appear to be violated.


Given the above analysis, there does not appear to be sufficient evidence to suggest that the process generating the realization is not stationary. We will continue the ananlysis assuming the process generating the realization is stationary.

ARMA Model

Since the process generating the realization is assumed to be stationary, we will model this realization with an ARMA model.

Model ID

# get the top five models selected by AIC and BIC
aicbic.tables <- tswgewrapped::aicbic(data_train$gdp_change, 0:12, 0:3, silent = TRUE)
p q aic
9 2 0 1.778271
6 1 1 1.785061
7 1 2 1.789710
10 2 1 1.791287
13 3 0 1.791429
p q bic
9 2 0 1.838753
6 1 1 1.845543
5 1 0 1.867211
7 1 2 1.870353
10 2 1 1.871930

Both AIC and BIC select low order models with an ARMA(2, 0) selected as the best ID by both criteria. The following models are selected by both criteria:

  • ARMA(2, 0)
  • ARMA(1, 1)
  • ARMA(1, 2)
  • ARMA(2, 1)

An ARMA(2,0) was fit based on the model ID from AIC and BIC. The factor table for the estimated model does not show roots near the unit circle.

est.s <- est.arma.wge(data_train$gdp_change, 2, 0)
## Coefficients of Original polynomial:  
## 0.3921 0.2568 
## Factor                 Roots                Abs Recip    System Freq 
## 1-0.7394B              1.3525               0.7394       0.0000
## 1+0.3473B             -2.8794               0.3473       0.5000

The following factored model is suggested by the MLE fit:

(1-0.7391 \(B\) )(1+0.3472 \(B\) )( \(X_{t}\) - 5.1490066) = \(a_{t}\) with \(\sigma_{a}^2\) = 5.6859734

Model Fit

# setup object with unitvariate model
models = list("AR(2)" = list(phi = est.s$phi, vara = est.s$avar, res = est.s$res, sliding_ase = TRUE))
mdl_compare_uni = tswgewrapped::ModelCompareUnivariate$new(data = data_train, var_interest = var_interest, mdl_list = models,
                                                           n.ahead = n.ahead, batch_size = batch_size)

Evaluation of the Residuals

The residuals appear to be nearly consisent with white noise. Some of the autocorrelations of the residuals are marginally significant, but not more than expected. As secondary evaluation, the Ljung-Box test does not reject the null hypothesis that residuals are not white noise.

## Evaluating residuals for model: 'AR(2)'

## None of the 'ljung_box' tests rejected the null hypothesis that the data is consistent with white noise at an significance level of  0.05
test K chi.square df pval Decision
Ljung-Box test 24 31.48493 22 0.0866114 FTR NULL
Ljung-Box test 48 51.68120 46 0.2615968 FTR NULL

Model Characterisics

Realizations were simulated from the fit model for comparing realizations, ACFs, and spectral densities to the data.

  • The realization simulated from the univariate model appear to have a similar amount of wandering and sharp changes.
  • The ACFs of the simulated realizations appear to exhibit similar behavior through lag 7. After lag 7, one of the ACFs diverge from the other realizations. However the magnitude of the ACFs at these lags is fairly small so it is not a concern.
  • The spectral densitied generally show similar behavior: a peak at or near a frequency of zero with roll-off that ends at about frequency 0.15. One spectral density shows a peak slightly above 0 (about 0.03) with a steaper roll off. However, this spectral density is still exhibiting the same general behavior consistent with the realization.

Forecast Results

Generally, the realization is contained in the forecast limits of the model, although the model is unable to capture the sharp changes in the GDP from quarter to quarter. Also, the model is unable to capture the steap dip near time step 100.

# show sliding window forecasts
tbl <- mdl_compare_uni$plot_batch_forecasts(only_sliding = TRUE)

Viewing the rolling window ASE over time, we see that the most extreme value occurs at the same location as the extreme value of the realization. This is not surprising since an ARMA model will tend toward the mean and this value is far from the window mean.

# show ASE over time (windows)
tbl <- mdl_compare_uni$plot_batch_ases(only_sliding = TRUE)

VAR Model

Explanatory Variables

The realizations of the exogeneous variables are shown below.

eda <- tswgewrapped::MultivariateEDA$new(data = data_train, var_interest = var_interest)
eda$plot_data(ncol = 3)

CCF Analysis


Based on the CCF analysis, we find that very few variables show a strong cross correlation with gdp_change. The most significant cross correlation was obtained for nfjobschg, ipichg, inventorieschg, treas10yr, treas3mo (top 5) and most of the variables showed the max cross correlation at lag = 0. This would mean that it might be benefitial to keep a low lag value in the VAR model (esepcially given that we have many exogenous variables and not a lot of data points).

NOTE: The CCF Analysis conclusions and values are based on negative lags of the variables with respect to ‘gdp_change’ only since we wont have the future values to forecast the results.

# plot the ccfs and get back the ccf table
ccf <- eda$plot_ccf_analysis(negative_only = TRUE)

# show the ccf table
ccf %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(max_ccf_index_adjusted)) %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
variable max_ccf_index max_ccf_value
nfjobschg 0 0.6823141
ipichg 0 0.5907157
inventorieschg 0 0.4852442
treas10yr 0 0.4677121
treas3mo 0 0.4453255
fedintrate 0 0.4162709
personincomechg 0 0.3711154
homeownership -12 -0.2841890
cpichg 0 0.2797316
unrate -5 0.2668851
housingpermitschg -1 0.2664965
wilshirechg -3 0.2598483
ppichg 0 0.2579584
treas10yr3mo -9 0.2085462
corpprofitchg 0 0.1764240
goldchg -8 -0.1509366
crude_wtichg 0 0.1366070
popchg 0 0.1327717
japanchg -9 -0.1071158
ukchg -1 0.0953229


The VAR models selected by the following process.

  • BIC was used to select the maximum lag to consider (since we wanted to have a small lag order selection given the large number of exogenous variables and the conclusions from the CCF analysis).
  • The model of the selected lag was fit.
  • In order to reduce the variables further, those variables that were insignificant in the fit were dropped and the maximum lag was reduced further to the maximum significant lag found in the fit. This is a crude variable selection technique. In the future, we will evaluate a better variable selection technique.
# maximum lag to consider in VAR models
lag.max = 10

# List of VAR models to build for comparison
models = list("VAR BIC None" = list(select = "bic", trend_type = "none", lag.max = lag.max),
              "VAR BIC Trend" = list(select = "bic", trend_type = "trend", lag.max = lag.max),
              "VAR BIC Both" = list(select = "bic", trend_type = "both", lag.max = lag.max))

# instantiate the model build object
mdl_build_var = tswgewrapped::ModelBuildMultivariateVAR$new(data = data_train, var_interest = var_interest,
                                                            mdl_list = models, verbose = 0)

The model building process shows that even though we had used lag.max = 10, the p (lag order) selected by VARSelect was 6.

# summarize the the recommended models
summary_build = mdl_build_var$summarize_build()

summary_build %>% 
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Model select trend_type season p SigVar OriginalVar Lag MaxLag
VAR BIC None bic none 0 6 nfjobschg.l3 nfjobschg -3 -6
VAR BIC None bic none 0 6 corpprofitchg.l4 corpprofitchg -4 -4
VAR BIC None bic none 0 6 nfjobschg.l6 nfjobschg -6 -6
VAR BIC Trend bic trend 0 6 nfjobschg.l3 nfjobschg -3 -6
VAR BIC Trend bic trend 0 6 corpprofitchg.l4 corpprofitchg -4 -4
VAR BIC Trend bic trend 0 6 nfjobschg.l6 nfjobschg -6 -6
VAR BIC Both bic both 0 6 gdp_change.l1 gdp_change -1 -1
VAR BIC Both bic both 0 6 nfjobschg.l3 nfjobschg -3 -3
VAR BIC Both bic both 0 6 cpichg.l3 cpichg -3 -3
VAR BIC Both bic both 0 6 ppichg.l3 ppichg -3 -3
# get the recommended models
mdl_build_var$get_recommendations() %>% 
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Model trend_type season num_sig_lag_vars lag_to_use lag_vars_to_use season_to_use
VAR BIC Both both 0 4 3 gdp_change,nfjobschg,cpichg,ppichg 0
VAR BIC None none 0 2 6 nfjobschg,corpprofitchg 0
VAR BIC Trend trend 0 2 6 nfjobschg,corpprofitchg 0

The above table shows that for the “VAR BIC Both” model, only 4 lagged variables were significant and that too upto a max lag of 3. For the other 2 models, only 2 lagged variables were significant but till a lag of 6. So we will continue to build the recommended models with this reduced set of variables and lags.

# build the VAR models
# return the VAR models for comparison
models = mdl_build_var$get_final_models(subset = 'r')

# Setup Models to be compared with sliding ASE = TRUE
for (name in names(models)){
  models[[name]][['sliding_ase']] = TRUE

Compare the models

# Initialize the ModelCompareMultivariateVAR object
mdl_compare_var = tswgewrapped::ModelCompareMultivariateVAR$new(data = data_train, var_interest = var_interest,
                                                                mdl_list = models, n.ahead = n.ahead, batch_size = batch_size, verbose = 1)
## Computing metrics for:  VAR BIC Both - R 
## Number of batches expected:  50
## Computing metrics for:  VAR BIC None - R 
## Number of batches expected:  50
## Computing metrics for:  VAR BIC Trend - R 
## Number of batches expected:  50# A tibble: 3 x 6
##   Model             Trend Season SlidingASE Init_K Final_K
##   <chr>             <chr>  <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 VAR BIC Both - R  both       0 TRUE            3       3
## 2 VAR BIC None - R  none       0 TRUE            6       6
## 3 VAR BIC Trend - R trend      0 TRUE            6       6


  • If the sliding window is not large enough, we can not build the models with the variables provided. Hence the k values used in the VAR model must be reduced (this is reflected in the Final_K column). If we do run into this issue, the models will most likely not turn out to be good since we wont have enough degrees of freedom to compute the residuals.
  • In this case however, since we have reduced the variables to be used for model development, we do not run into this issues and Final_K is the same as the value of K (Init_K) recommended by the model build process.

The rolling window forecasts are shown below. The model with trend only (VAR BIC Trend - R) and the model without trend and constant terms (VAR BIC None - R), appear to overshoot the movement of the realization. This is especially true just after the large dip in the realization after time step 100.

tbl <- mdl_compare_var$plot_batch_forecasts()

Overall, the model with both trend and constant term (VAR BIC Both - R) appears produce forecasts with lower ASEs on average.

# show distributions of ASEs
tbl <- mdl_compare_var$plot_boxplot_ases()

Visualizing the realizations over time shows that the model with both trend and constant appears to perform best. The large ASEs from the forecasts occur around the sharp dip in the realization just after time step 100.

p = mdl_compare_var$plot_batch_ases()

Since the model with both trend and constant terms appears to be the best, we will drop the other two models from further analysis.

mdl_compare_var$keep_models(mdl_names = c("VAR BIC Both - R"))
## Model: 'VAR BIC None - R' will be removed.
## Model: 'VAR BIC Trend - R' will be removed.

Model Fit

An examination of the residuals show that the residuals of the VAR appear to be consistent with white noise. The autocorrelations of the residuals appear to be marginally inconsistent with white noise. Since these residuals are close to white noise, we will assume the model is sufficient for modeling these data.

## At least one of the 'ljung_box' tests rejected the null hypothesis that the data is consistent with white noise at an significance level of  0.05

Neural Network Model

Model Fit

A plot of the residuals shows that the residuals are consistent with white noise with about as many excursions as expected in the ACF plot.

# get back the nnfor mlp model
model.nnfor <- model$get_final_models(subset = 'r')

# extract the fitted values for white noise evaluation
values.fitted <- as.numeric(model.nnfor$fitted)
# find the difference in length between the realization and the fitted values
size <- length(data_train$gdp_change)
diff.size <- length(data_train$gdp_change) - length(values.fitted) + 1
# get the residuals (fitted - realization)
resids <- values.fitted - data_train$gdp_change[diff.size : size]
tbl <- tswgewrapped::evaluate_residuals(resids)

## None of the 'ljung_box' tests rejected the null hypothesis that the data is consistent with white noise at an significance level of  0.05

Forecast Results

# Initialize the ModelCompareNNforCaret object
mdl_compare_mlp = tswgewrapped::ModelCompareNNforCaret$new(data = data_train, var_interest = var_interest,
                                                           mdl_list = caret_model,
                                                           verbose = 0)

Comparison the best models

newxreg <- data_test %>% dplyr::select(-!!var_interest)

# build compare model object
mdl_combine = tswgewrapped::ModelCombine$new(data = data_train, 
                                             var_interest = var_interest,
                                             uni_models = mdl_compare_uni, 
                                             var_models = mdl_compare_var, 
                                             mlp_models = mdl_compare_mlp,
                                             verbose = 1)

The rolling window ASE distributions for each type of model constructed are shown below. Overall, the ARMA(2, 0) model produces forecasts with the least error as the mean and upper IQR line appear to have a lower value than the other two models. Each model has a window forecast ASE above a value of 60. These are the forests for the steap dip in the realization after time step 100, indicating that none of the models are forecasting this change.

# plot the distributions of ASE from the rolling windows

However, statistically speaking there is no difference in the performance of these models (p-value from ANOVA = 0.503). Hence, we will eventually keep all 3 models in the final ensemble.

comparison = mdl_combine$statistical_compare()
##              Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Model         2    136   68.08   0.691  0.503
## Residuals   147  14493   98.59               
##   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = ASE ~ Model, data = results)
## $Model
##                                             diff       lwr      upr
## reps13_hd1_sdetFALSE-AR(2)            -0.0747316 -4.776592 4.627129
## VAR BIC Both - R-AR(2)                 1.9827313 -2.719129 6.684592
## VAR BIC Both - R-reps13_hd1_sdetFALSE  2.0574629 -2.644398 6.759323
##                                           p adj
## reps13_hd1_sdetFALSE-AR(2)            0.9992195
## VAR BIC Both - R-AR(2)                0.5790203
## VAR BIC Both - R-reps13_hd1_sdetFALSE 0.5553679

Comparing the rolling window forecasts of each model, we can make several observations. The ARMA model appears to be conservative, but generally captures the movement of the realization. The VAR model captures the movement of the realization, but wanders away from the realization in some cases. The neural network model does not capture the movement of the realization as well as the ARMA model or the VAR model. This is particularly evident in the second half of the forecasts where the neural network appears to have a high variance. Additionally, all models appear to lag the major dip in the realization after time step 100.


Ensemble Models

Simple Forecasts (Test data)

p = mdl_combine$plot_simple_forecasts(lastn = FALSE, newxreg = newxreg, zoom = 20) 

Ensembles of the base models are created by combining the forecasts of the base models using a simple linear regression model. In addition 2 naive ensembles were also created which combined the base model forecasts using a mean and a median operator.

Create the ensemble (glm + naive)

## Call:
## glm(formula = Realization ~ ., data = data_for_model)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -9.9071  -1.2034   0.0134   1.6239   4.8804  
## Coefficients:
##                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
## (Intercept)           0.41118    0.74790   0.550  0.58374   
## `AR(2)`               0.31278    0.24443   1.280  0.20376   
## `VAR BIC Both - R`   -0.09548    0.15598  -0.612  0.54190   
## reps13_hd1_sdetFALSE  0.60804    0.22717   2.677  0.00875 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 5.188762)
##     Null deviance: 695.87  on 99  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 498.12  on 96  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 454.36
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2

Based on the residual and QQ plots, the assumptions for linear regression appear to be reazonably met.

Forecasts with Ensemble Models

test_var_interest = data_test[var_interest]
## [1] "Expected Values"
##   gdp_change
## 1        3.9
## 2        3.8

Naive with combine = ‘median’

ensemble1 = mdl_combine$predict_ensemble(naive = TRUE, comb = 'median', newxreg = newxreg)
reps13_hd1_sdetFALSE AR(2) VAR BIC Both - R ensemble
4.852671 4.086030 3.766524 4.086030
2.910566 4.415752 2.500141 2.910566
ASE1 = mean((ensemble1$ensemble - test_var_interest$gdp_change)^2)
## The Test ASE value with the naive median ensemble = 0.4128

Naive with combine = ‘mean’

ensemble2 = mdl_combine$predict_ensemble(naive = TRUE, comb = 'mean', newxreg = newxreg)
reps13_hd1_sdetFALSE AR(2) VAR BIC Both - R ensemble
4.852671 4.086030 3.766524 4.235075
2.910566 4.415752 2.500141 3.275486
ASE2 = mean((ensemble2$ensemble - test_var_interest$gdp_change)^2)
## The Test ASE value with the naive mean ensemble = 0.1937

glm ensemble

ensemble3 = mdl_combine$predict_ensemble(naive = FALSE, newxreg = newxreg)
reps13_hd1_sdetFALSE AR(2) VAR BIC Both - R ensemble
4.852671 4.086030 3.766524 4.280197
2.910566 4.415752 2.500141 3.323373
ASE3 = mean((ensemble3$ensemble - test_var_interest$gdp_change)^2)
## The Test ASE value with the glm ensemble = 0.1859
ASE_uni = mean((ensemble3$`AR(2)` - test_var_interest$gdp_change)^2)
ASE_var = mean((ensemble3$`VAR BIC Both - R` - test_var_interest$gdp_change)^2)
ASE_mlp = mean((ensemble3$reps13_hd1_sdetFALSE - test_var_interest$gdp_change)^2)
## The Test ASE value with the Univariate AR(2) Model = 0.2069
## The Test ASE value with the Multivariate VAR Model = 0.8537
## The Test ASE value with the Neural Network Model = 0.8493

Comparing Ensembles

      ensemble1 %>% dplyr::mutate(ensemble_median = ensemble) %>%  dplyr::select(-ensemble),
      ensemble2 %>% dplyr::mutate(ensemble_mean = ensemble) %>%  dplyr::select(ensemble_mean),
      ensemble3 %>% dplyr::mutate(ensemble_glm = ensemble) %>%  dplyr::select(ensemble_glm)) %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
gdp_change reps13_hd1_sdetFALSE AR(2) VAR BIC Both - R ensemble_median ensemble_mean ensemble_glm
3.9 4.852671 4.086030 3.766524 4.086030 4.235075 4.280197
3.8 2.910566 4.415752 2.500141 2.910566 3.275486 3.323373


  • GDP data was very noisy and overall, models are not able to capture variance in this data.
  • The univariate model AR(2) performs better than VAR and MLP models.
  • Ensembles appear to improve forecasts, but further analysis should be performed since our test dataset consisted of only 2 data points. Further validation of the ensembles would be necessary to verify that the ensembles improve the forecasts with sliding window validation (unfortunately, we did not have enough data to perform this analysis).
  • Addition of other exogenous variables with even stronger cross correlations may improve performance of multivariate models.


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