Created by Stuart Miller.



In an effort to reduce employee attrition, data has been provided on employees. The objective is to analyze the data to determine what factors (if any) correlate to attrition. The following will be reported:

  • Top 3 factors assocatied with employee turnover
  • A model for predicting employee attrition
  • A model for predicting monthly salary
  • Job role specific trend
  • Any other interesting trends in the data


Reports generated from the analysis


The files in this folder contain the original analysis files for EDA and modeling.

Exploratory Data Analysis



More information is included in the data README.

Analysis Data

Three files were provided. The first is a complete set that will be used for modeling. The other two will be used by a independent party to verify model quality.


The following files contain predictions created with the models created based on the training data. These predictions are provided for assessment by a 3rd party.


The Codebook provides additional details on the regarding the computational environment, code, and data.